Stewbot is a Discord bot designed to help keep servers fun and engaging while simultaneously providing moderators the tools to keep everything clean at the same time.
Stewbot is completely and totally free and private. Stewbot is a passion project, brought to you out of our desire for the ultimate Discord bot. There are no costs whatsoever, no advertisements, and everything is fully private. If you're looking for a trustworthy yet free bot with features other bots would lock off behind a paywall, you've found that bot.
Like the commands Stewbot gives you access to? Install him to your profile to use anywhere on all of Discord, even in DMs!
Stewbot is here to serve, specifically designed to give your moderators all of the control. Everything that can be left to moderator decision, is, and everything that can be left to normal user decision, is.
Stewbot is specially designed to provide lots of tools to keep servers fun and engaging. Ranging from conversation starters like Would-you-Rather questions, to AI Images, to memes, to starboard, and much much more! Stewbot has you covered.
Moderating some Discord servers can be challenging. Stewbot has your back! Providing lots of tools to automate moderation, he's ready to serve. Capable of not just removing messages with swear words in them, but also censoring them so the conversation isn't interrupted. He also has lots of other tools such as Sticky Roles, Advanced Logging, Auto Join Messages, Server Messages, Message Moving, and so much more!

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Source Code